About us

Countryside Flowers was started by Caroline Hunt, she has been growing flowers and vegetables on her family smallholding for the last 20 years on Foxash, an old Land Settlement Association Estate near Dedham and Constable Country in Essex, where she grew up. After having her second child she decided it was time for a change and stopped growing vegetables and specialised in seasonal homegrown flowers.

Caroline originally trained as a florist 25 years ago and has lots of experience in creating flowers for any occassion. The smallholding now grows nearly an acre of seasonal flowers which also has a poly tunnel to extend the seasons slightly and grow all the plants from seed.

Along with her, Caroline has help from her mum who sows, pricks out and pots up a lot of the plants in the polytunnel all year round. Husband Andy works full time but becomes the odd job man whenever he has a spare moment fixing everything and recently converted the old battery shed ( named so because it used to house the chickens when it was built in the 1930’s ) into a wonderful flower workshop and her children who love helping out with hoeing, picking and computer help!

This year Countryside Flowers joined Flowers from the Farm, an organisation which specialises in promoting British grown Flowers, it is a great way to find a local grower in your area and means buying local.